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Available Courses

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LRRAT Basic Pistol

This course is designed to give the student the fundamentals, skills and knowledge of firearm safety and how to safely handle and operate the different types of pistols.

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Low Light Firearms Training

This course is designed to familiarize shooter how to use Weapon Mounted Lights and Handheld Flashlights while in various scenarios. This is an Advanced course and each shooter must have a firm understanding of how to properly and safely use their firearm. 


Pistol Tactics for Real Estate Agents

Pistol Tactics for Real Estate Agents is a course designed specifically for Real Estate agents. Students learn how to stop threats effectively and safely in a controlled environment. This course helps agents to be prepared for threats while in unfamiliar environments.


Reactive Pistol 1

This course is designed to give the student an improved foundation of essential gun-fighting skills as well as a better understanding of the importance of next-level training.


Pistol Combative

This 7-hour course is a stand-alone program separate from Reactive Pistol 1 and 2 that emphasizes unconventional shooting positions. This course is open to all students however those with confident, disciplined pistol skills will benefit the most.


Reactive Pistol 2

Reactive Pistol 2 picks up where RP 1 left off. RP 2 is more intensive, physically and mentally challenging for the student. Emphasis on speed, stress, exertion, and the combative mindset are prominently factored into the course.

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Ground Fighting & Close Quarter Pistol Operations

Ground Fighting and Close Quarter Pistol Operations course is designed to put the shooter into unfavorable and unfamiliar defensive shooting position.

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