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2 Day Combat Pistol


Course Overview


Combat Pistol was developed to reinforce the fundamentals of how to effectively use a pistol but quickly builds from there. In the course the student will be taught proper grips for different shooting techniques, combat and tactical reloads from the students strong side, weak side and one handed, 4 different stances and what each are intended for, malfunction clearing with their strong side, weak side, and onehanded techniques, fighting from cover, bi-lateral shooting techniques, shooting on the move and multiple threat engagements.

During the development of this course, the instructor staff discussed how most courses we have taken throughout our careers were taught in a static environment. Although we discuss stances and how each stance is intended for different actions, we tend to focus on what the stances need to provide to the student. Having stability and mobility in a stance is something that requires practice. In both the Combat Pistol and Combat Rifle we cover 4 different stances and explain the differences in them.

We recommend the student bring all the gear they are issued so they can get familiarized with how the equipment they wear interacts with different scenarios the student will be placed in.


All PPE is required for this course. If the PPE needs to be provided, LRRAT can provide PPE. Lunches are provided on both days of the course. Lodging can be set up through LRRAT if needed. 


Students will need to bring a minimum 500 rounds of pistol ammunition. 

3 magazines

Quality holster **No Blackhawk Serpa allowed at this time**

Knee and elbow pads are recommended

Folding chair

Water or Sports Drink



Combat Pistol ground.png


Cost: $500.00

Time: 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM, scheduled class days


LRRAT Live Fire Range

136 Corbin Hill Rd

Oliver Springs TN 37840

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